Opens the series of tests to X-rays of apnea masks and spearfishing evidence of Noah Salvimar.
Already fully investigated by AP in submission service of masks Salvimar 2016 range, Noah is the new flagship model of the company Casarza Ligure, launched this year and much appreciated, with also a great start commercial success in 2016.
Noah is realized with the constructive detail of the frame pasted to the face, technically more complex solution, which offers considerable advantage in respect of reduction of the internal volume of the mask, to decrease the need to compensate the indoor air, and bridging of the lens to eyes , with a remarkable effect of improvement of the visual field. Well designed, very compact thanks to this technical solution, Noah is available in 3 different colors, all black, black with green and green frame with black frame.
Seatrial Proven in the sea at different depths, the Noah was immediately shown very comfortable on the face, even after several hours of fishing, thanks also to a rather soft silicone, but not so extreme. After 4 hours of fishing, his face shows some limited sign of the mask. In addition, the seal, although depends then from face to face, was virtually flawless.
The reduced internal volume makes it possible to compensate for a very short form : on average only once to go down to 15 meters a second and up to 20 meters. Impressive Field visual, unthinkable with a mask from the classic frame interlocking.
The inner frame pasted allows, in fact, is to bring the lenses in the eyes, both to eliminate the entire frame generated by the outer frame, which would cover about a millimeter all around the lens. In practice, the Noah has no blind spots in the visual in all directions, the edge of the mask is visible only slightly looking upwards and in the lower right and left, but with almost negligible effects on the visibility.
Outstanding soft lacciuolo that, thanks to the wide form, allows to insert the mouthpiece between the two bands posteriorly to the head, useful position to prevent the vibration (annoying and noisy) of the same mouthpiece, important especially in the descent phase. Important to the choice of the mouthpiece, soft and comfortable, which, in the short version designed to make breathing less tiring and eliminate the dead volume in the tube, is inconvenient in rough seas, because the water of waves tends to enter the pipe.
In this case, better to choose the longer version. Measurement of the interior volume after the test in the sea, the AP has performed a scientific measure related to the internal volume of the mask, which tests will be repeated in a similar way for other Salvimar masks, and other important companies. in order to realize the measurement has used the polystyrene head of a mannequin, which is then considered as a standard form. That said, one must keep in mind that the values that have been calculated are then related to this form, and therefore invalid absolute and slightly different from head to head.
Important, however, will be the relative values between the mask and the mask: if the internal volume thus calculated on a mask will be lower than that of a second mask, with good accuracy we can say that the first mask has an internal volume less than the second of a certain value, even if they were using different faces of real people. in proceeding with the measurement, it is then positioned Noah on the face of the dummy, the rear strap tightening greatly, so that the mask could adhere as much as possible.
At this point, after having sealed well the lower part of the mask with insulating tape, to assist the seal that the polystyrene is not the best, it is inserted into a transparent rubber tube in the upper part of the mask, inside the lip that passes on the forehead. Using a 60 ml syringe has started to inject water into the mask. After the first 60 ml, is being charged, the other syringe 60 ml and the injection is continued.
The process is interrupted when the water has reached the wire of the upper lip, the rubber tube was inserted. At this point it is calculated the amount of water injected to 120 ml by removing (two the amount of water in ml complete syringes) remained in the syringe.